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10 Ways to Navigate Summer Food Celebrations with Type 2 Diabetes

Living Well

July 17, 2024

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Photography by Maskot/Getty Images

Photography by Maskot/Getty Images

by Sarah Garone


Medically Reviewed by:

Imashi Fernando, MS, RDN, CDCES


by Sarah Garone


Medically Reviewed by:

Imashi Fernando, MS, RDN, CDCES


Here’s how I’ve learned to eat well for type 2 diabetes at summer parties, keep my blood sugar controlled, and still have fun.

Summer’s warmer weather, longer days, and bountiful harvests mean it’s a time to celebrate. And typically, we celebrate with food. Summer is prime time for barbecues, weddings, ice cream socials, patriotic potlucks, and more.

Gathering with family and friends can be a joyful occasion. But with type 2 diabetes, it can also be a bit stressful. At a party or buffet line, you’re not the master of the menu, so it’s up to you to navigate these events as best you can for your blood sugar. Here’s how to eat well for type 2 diabetes at summer celebrations (and still enjoy the party).

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1. Write down some goals

Writing down food goals prior to a summer celebration may sound kinda intense — hey, it’s just a barbecue, right? — but this simple practice could have far-reaching effects. Research has shown that people who put their goals to paper are significantly more likely to accomplish them.

Before you head out the door to your summer social, consider jotting down a few specific, actionable dietary goals for the event. You can even do this on your phone so you have them handy. This might look like:

  • “I will eat until I’m comfortably full.”
  • “I will seek out vegetables I enjoy.”
  • “I will give my food my full attention as I eat it.”

Try framing these in positive terms around what you can and will eat, not what you can’t.

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2. Get the lay of the land

Watermelon! Margaritas! Key lime pie! With multiple delicious favorites on the menu, it’s easy to dive right in at summer celebrations — and end up with a plate that’s not very diabetes-friendly.

Before you make a beeline to the buffet line, do a quick reconnaissance of what’s available, noting which options make good choices. Then, as you pass through the line, serve yourself portion-controlled amounts of the items you mentally favorited.

3. Divvy up your plate

If you’ve had diabetes for a while, you’ve probably seen the American Diabetes Association’s version of MyPlate. This diabetes-specific visual guidance is a plate filled with one-half nonstarchy vegetables, one-quarter protein, and one-quarter carbs.

Try keeping these three categories in mind at summer celebrations. A summery spinach and strawberry salad could fill half your plate, for example, with grilled chicken as your protein quarter and potato salad as your carb quarter.

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4. Bring your own plate

At potlucks, it’s always a best practice to bring something you know suits your dietary goals (and is tasty, to boot). Bring a shareable dish of one of your seasonal, healthy standbys. I promise you won’t be the only one at the event who’s thankful for other options.

5. Start with lean protein

Cookout meats like burgers, brats, and hot dogs are low carb and offer plenty of protein — but they have their downsides, too. These red and processed meats are typically high in sodium and saturated fat.

If possible, look for leaner proteins like grilled chicken, seafood, or bean dishes. Or again, if you’re on deck to bring something to the barbecue, check out these diabetes-friendly recipes for summer grilling.

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6. Add high fiber sides

Fiber not only helps you feel full, but it can also stabilize your blood sugar. At warm-weather parties and gatherings, look for side dishes (or even main dishes) that boost your plate’s fiber content. Some summery, fiber-rich options include baked beans, grain salads, fruit and veggie trays, and whole wheat pasta salads.

7. Make a single ‘treat’ your plus-one

Ever heard the advice for restaurant dining to choose between a drink, appetizer, or dessert? It’s apt guidance for summer celebrating with type 2, too, as it helps keep carbs and total calories in an optimal range. Decide which of these summer treat options you want to make your plus-one at a seasonal party.

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8. Check in with your hunger

A potluck or buffet means so many tasty things to try. If you didn’t sample everything on your first go-round, it’s only natural to want to head back to the spread for more. On the other hand, overdoing it could elevate your blood sugar.

Before you return to the feast for seconds, conduct a quick check-in with your level of fullness. If you’re not sure whether you’re full, take a walk around the party or wait 10 minutes to see how things have settled in your belly. Then, if you’re genuinely hungry for more, consider a low carb snack. Otherwise, dig into a conversation with a friend or play a lawn game instead.

9. Drink up

Nope, not that kind of drinking. People with diabetes get dehydrated extra quickly, so as you party on, be sure to drink plenty of water. If you’re dining at a table, ask your server to keep your glass full — or be proactive by bringing your own water bottle and sipping regularly.

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10. Enjoy the ambience

No matter the occasion, there’s more to summer gatherings than just food. Though don’t get me wrong, the food can be pretty awesome.

Whether you’re celebrating a fancy wedding or a casual backyard shindig, remember to let other elements of the celebration fill you up. Cherish the time with family and friends, breathe in the warm night air, and hit the dance floor with your best moves. Savoring the experience in these ways might take the focus off the food alone.


Eating well for type 2 diabetes at summer celebrations may take a little forethought, but it’s not impossible! By heading to a party or other gathering prepared, you can enjoy it in ways that leave you with steady blood sugar and a smile on your face.

Medically reviewed on July 17, 2024

3 Sources

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About the author

Sarah Garone

Sarah Garone is a nutritionist, freelance writer, and food blogger. Find her sharing down-to-earth nutrition info at A Love Letter to Food or follow her on Twitter.

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